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Yoga by the Pool

The woman does her daily yoga routine early in the morning. She likes to be near the pool because she can have a swim before going back in the house to take a shower and eat breakfast. She used to go to a gym near her office, but now she prefers to work out by herself in peace and quiet. There is a jogging trail nearby, but she wants to stay fit by doing low-impact exercise such as yoga, calisthenics and swimming.


Simple Definitions

- a routine (n) = a regular program

- work out (v) = do exercise

- peace and quiet (n) = a moment or situation that doesn't have noise or chaos

- a jogging trail (n) = a narrow path for runners

- calisthenics (n) = resistance training in which only body weight is used

(adj) = adjective, (adv) = adverb, (n) = noun, (v) = verb, sth = something, sby = somebody


Word Challenge

Fill in the blanks with the correct words. You may need to make changes to verbs (tense/3rd person) and nouns (singular/plural).

routine work out peace and quiet jogging trail calisthenics

1) She can't work in a noisy environment; she needs some ______ to be able to focus on the task at hand.

2) Most parks in the US have ______ on which motorcycles and bicycles are prohibited.

3) She ______ for about 30 minutes every day, including weekends.

4) Different people follow different exercise ______.

5) ______ is a good option for people who want to do exercise at home without expensive equipment.

See answers below


Answers to Word Challenge

1) She can't work in a noisy environment; she needs some peace and quiet to be able to focus on the task at hand.

2) Most parks in the US have jogging trails on which motorcycles and bicycles are prohibited.

3) She works out for about 30 minutes every day, including weekends.

4) Different people follow different exercise routine.

5) Calisthenics is a good option for people who want to do exercise at home without expensive equipment.


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