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The Jazz Band

The band is giving a great performance tonight and the audience is really enjoying the wonderful music. The set list for this gig features jazz standards mixed in with a few original compositions. But the musicians truly shine when they start to improvise. They each get their turn to show off their creative skills, drawing enthusiastic applause from the spectators. After the last song, the crowd chants "Encore! Encore!" Of course, the band is pleased to come back out for one more jam!


Simple Definitions

- a gig (n) = a concert or live performance

- improvise sth (v) = do something without planning

- enthusiastic about sth (adj) = full of energy and excitement

- a spectator (n) = sby who goes to see a show

- a jam (n) = a performance of a song (usually in the unique style of the band)

(adj) = adjective, (adv) = adverb, (n) = noun, (v) = verb, sth = something, sby = somebody


Word Challenge

Fill in the blanks with the correct words. You may need to make changes to verbs (tense/3rd person) and nouns (singular/plural).

gig improvise enthusiastic spectator jam

1) At outdoor concerts, the _______ must bring their umbrellas in case it rains.

2) "That was a great _______", said the drummer to the other band members after they finished their version of the classic song.

3) Professional musicians often play several _______ a week, sometimes with different bands.

4) When a musician is not _______ about the music he is playing, the audience can feel it.

5) _______ is one of the most difficult things to do for a musician because he has to invent new music as he goes.

See answers below


Answers to Word Challenge

1) At outdoor concerts, the spectators must bring their umbrellas in case it rains.

2) "That was a great jam", said the drummer to the other band members after they finished their version of the classic song.

3) Professional musicians often play several gigs a week, sometimes with different bands.

4) When a musician is not enthusiastic about the music he is playing, the audience can feel it.

5) Improvising is one of the most difficult things to do for a musician because he has to invent new music as he goes.


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