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Easter Eggs

The teacher is helping the students decorate Easter eggs. She already showed them a few examples that she made herself, and now she wants them to use their imagination in designing unique patterns and color combinations. The children can fill the empty egg shells with confetti or other light, colorful material. Then, they will display their artwork to their classmates and parents. Finally, everyone will participate in the annual Easter Egg Hunt that is held on the school playground. Whoever finds the most eggs is the winner!


Simple Definitions

- unique (adj) = not the same as or different from others

- an egg shell (n) = the hard outer layer of an egg

- confetti (n) = very small pieces of colorful paper

- annual (adj) = yearly

- hold an event (v) = arrange or organize an event

(adj) = adjective, (adv) = adverb, (n) = noun, (v) = verb, sth = something, sby = somebody


Word Challenge

Fill in the blanks with the correct words. You may need to make changes to verbs (tense/3rd person) and nouns (singular/plural).

unique egg shell confetti annual hold

1) The school's Easter parade is _____ in April.

2) Most people don't like to eat ______ even though they contain lots of calcium.

3) Kindergarten teachers motivate the children to express their ______ personalities.

4) People like to throw ______ at parties and other festive events.

5) Children love to participate in Easter, Christmas and other ______ celebrations.

See answers below


Answers to Word Challenge

1) The school's Easter parade is held in April.

2) Most people don't like to eat egg shells even though they contain lots of calcium.

3) Kindergarten teachers motivate the children to express their unique personalities.

4) People like to throw confetti at parties and other festive events.

5) Children love to participate in Easter, Christmas and other annual celebrations.


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