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The House Painter

The painter is walking to the house carrying two buckets of paint. His clothes and shoes are stained with paint, and his hands are dirty, too. His job is hazardous as he has to climb tall ladders, walk on roofs and inhale toxic fumes every day. However, he makes good money working only four days a week. So he has lots of free time, and he can afford a new car and a nice home.


Simple Definitions - stained (adj) = dirty from sth - hazardous (adj) = risky or dangerous - toxic (adj) = poisonous - a fume (n) = a dangerous vapor or gas - afford sth (v) = have enough money to buy sth

(adj) = adjective, (adv) = adverb, (n) = noun, (v) = verb, sth = something, sby = somebody


Word Challenge

Fill in the blanks with the correct words. You may need to make changes to verbs (tense/3rd person) and nouns (singular/plural).

stained hazardous toxic fume afford

1) He cannot ______ the best quality paint so he bought the cheapest brand available. 2) If you paint your house by yourself, you should wear old or unwanted clothes because they will surely get ______. 3) Lead-based paints give off highly poisonous ______. 4) Some examples of ______ occupations are mining, firefighting and welding. 5) _____ waste must be disposed of only in specially designated areas.

See answers below


Answers to Word Challenge

1) He cannot afford the best quality paint so he bought the cheapest brand available. 2) If you paint your house by yourself, you should wear old or unwanted clothes because they will surely get stained. 3) Lead-based paints give off highly poisonous fumes. 4) Some examples of hazardous occupations are mining, firefighting and welding. 5) Toxic waste must be disposed of only in specially designated areas.


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