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Meditation at Sunrise

The woman is meditating on the beach. As the sun rises, she sits still and concentrates on breathing properly. She's on a week-long meditation retreat along with several co-workers. They all want to wind down and reduce the level of anxiety in their lives, so they are learning the basics of meditation. Hopefully, they will feel refreshed and energetic when they get back to their jobs!


Simple Definitions

- still (adj) & (adv) = not moving

- properly (adv) = correctly

- a meditation retreat (n) = a period of retirement to focus on spiritual instruction

- wind down (v) = relax after having too much stress

- anxiety (n) = emotional stress or tension

(adj) = adjective, (adv) = adverb, (n) = noun, (v) = verb, sth = something, sby = somebody


Word Challenge

Fill in the blanks with the correct words.You may need to make changes to verbs (tense/3rd person) and nouns (singular/plural).

still properly meditation retreat wind down anxiety

1) Office workers often have high levels of _______ in their lives.

2) He went on a _______ to get away from the stress of his busy lifestyle.

3) One way to _______ after a hard day's work is to drink a glass of wine while sitting on the beach.

4) The meditation instructor reminded us to be _______ and concentrate on our breathing.

5) It's difficult for beginners to do every step ________.

See answers below


Answers to Word Challenge

1) Office workers often have high levels of anxiety in their lives.

2) He went on a meditation retreat to get away from the stress of his busy lifestyle.

3) One way to wind down after a hard day's work is to drink a glass of wine while sitting on the beach.

4) The meditation instructor reminded us to be still and concentrate on our breathing.

5) It's difficult for beginners to do every step properly.


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